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Offering Meaningful Gifts for Graduates

Updated: Jun 2, 2020

by Jack Countryman

Graduations are an ideal time for selling gift books. As buyers, you are looking for meaningful gifts that will impact lives.

J. Countryman features God’s Promises® for Graduates, God’s Answers® for the Graduate and God’s Wisdom® for the Graduate—each book contains sound biblical content. Over the last decade, these graduate books have sold over one million copies, landing on the bestsellers list each year. The books are small enough to carry around in a backpack or purse and have a beautiful ribbon bookmark to mark one’s place, all intentional decisions to ensure a graduate is never without quick access to God’s Word.

It is our prayer that the graduate books will help readers live a God-filled life as they discover their way in the world. Having this valuable tool will equip graduates for their journey into life, whether that means embarking on a new career or overcoming an unimaginable circumstance. Having God’s Promises® nearby will boost their confidence and remind the graduates that they are capable of any challenge that may lie ahead.

In 2008, we presented God’s Promises® for Graduates and have subsequently printed every book with the graduation year. Along with the solid content that speaks to the needs of graduates, I believe placing the graduation year on the cover provides a personalized incentive for the consumer. By offering three titles with eight different colors to choose from, the customer has the ability to further customize his gift. These beautiful covers are ideal for monogramming with a name in the lower right corner.

There are several strategies a retailer can take when merchandising graduation books. The traditional season for graduation is typically from April through June, but in today’s digitally centric world, it can be any time during the year. Placement on an endcap or prominently displayed in front of the store allows shoppers to easily find these gift titles. Retail placement is very competitive. I encourage sales teams to work with buyers and have graduation books featured cover-out to increase the chances of discoverability.

Social media is a popular and almost necessary marketing tool for retailers. When featuring graduation titles, place emphasis on the beauty and biblical content, and how God’s Word will guide the graduate through life after graduation. A picture is worth a thousand words. Showing the books with the year featured on the cover will encourage customers to purchase a meaningful gift that reminds the graduates of their milestone.

Draw customers into your store or direct them to your online store by creating an e-blast advertisement. Reach out to local churches that are looking for a unique gift for their graduates. Retailers can offer churches an incentive to purchase at a discounted rate, if they purchase by the case. Your personal customer service representative at HarperCollins Christian Publishing can help you with additional details.

Offering a discounted price incentive for individual sales, particularly during the heavy buying season, is also recommended. Graduation is a gift season that most of your customers will make a purchase in. Find a prominent location in your store to feature graduation gift books, advertise regularly on your website, and send e-blasts to your customer base. Gift books such as God’s Promises® for Graduates, God’s Answers® for the Graduate and God’s Wisdom® for the Graduate make perfect gifts for any graduate!

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